Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Mystery Abounds || Up Until the End [DEMO] (PC)


Up Until the End is a visual novel in the works from LetiGame. You play as a nameable protagonist, who was reading in a library, when she somehow passed out. When she awakes, she’s surrounded by smoke and flames. What happened?! As you’re trying to escape, you’re intercepted by a man you don’t know, and you’re knocked out. When you awake again, you’re in a dark room, alone. Somehow, you’ll have to find a way to escape.

When you are able to escape the building, and perhaps help some others escape along with you, you’re left with no answers, except the knowledge that you don’t want to be caught. You learn that the others who escaped with you are Matt, Amanda, and Erika. You’re able to elude the men chasing you, and rest in a farmhouse located in the woods. After a rest, they search for supplies and decide to keep moving—together.

Talking with Amanda and Matt

I found the demo intriguing, and I want to know who those men were, and how all of these people got tangled up in such a mess—and what exactly that mess is. I find the artwork charming, both the sprites and the backgrounds. The music is intense and fitting, although I feel that it might benefit from some sound effects.

From what I understand, this VN is an undertaking by one individual, which is rather impressive, so kudos for making what you have. I hope that you are able to complete it, and refine it into something you’re proud of!

You can find the free demo of Up Until the End on Itch.io *here*. Please be sure to leave your feedback and encouragement for the developer, and let me know what you thought down below! Thanks for sharing some time with me today, and, until next time, happy gaming!


LetiGame did have a form to fill out in regards to the game, and in case I didn't address every point, I'll post it below:

Did you enjoy it overall? What did you like the most in the demo?
I did enjoy it overall. I am enjoying the mystery, and I want to know more.

Who is your favorite character and why?
I like them all, but I think Erika. She's young, and innocent. I wonder how she got mixed up in this?

Who is your least favorite character and why?
Um, I don't think I have one. 

What do you think of the protagonist ? Can you relate to her?
Not quite, but we don't really know anything about them, so I don't have anything to relate to yet. 

What is your opinion of the artwork?
It's not award winning, but it's not terrible either. I like a little more variation in poses maybe, but that's it. 

What do you think of the story so far?
Very intense.

Was it something that bothered you about the game?
I wish we knew more about the men, and what happened. (In time, I hope)

Did you find any typos or spelling mistakes?
Yes, and I'm still open to helping you with that, if you'd like. 

What would you say needs the most improvement?

Do you think you'll play the finished game once it's released?
I look forward to it!

The protagonist doesn't have a sprite. Did it bother you? Did it help you to relate to her or would you prefer her to have one?
I think there are pros and cons to both approaches. Personally, I think it's fine without. 

Any other comments?
Nothing in particular. :)


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