Monday, December 19, 2016

Browser Games #1

Sometimes you don’t have the time, or desire, to play through a whole lengthy game. Perhaps you are on your college campus and can’t download games onto the school’s computers. Something simple to take your mind off of the dull hum drum of the day. Maybe you’re just looking for a way to kill some time. Whatever your reasons, games that allow you to play in browser, and more importantly, for free, can be great gems to stumble across on the internet. To help you in your quest, I’ve complied some such games for you.

The first game I want to tell you about is called Sort the Court, made by Graeme Borland. This game can be found on or Gamejolt, and is free on both sites, as well as having the ability to be played in browser. You are a king, trying to expand your kingdom. The premise is simple—your subjects will come to you and ask for favors, and you simply answer yes or no. There is an entire list of quirky characters with little side quests, and hopefully there will be more coming. The music is relaxing and I really enjoy it. I played this game for nearly an hour… long after the main game had “ended.” Sort the Court also recently got an update(as on 12/15/16), so there is more fun to be had! Find Sort the Court on *here* and on Gamejolt *here*.

Next is a text adventure called The Temple of No, written by William Pugh and illustrated by Dominik Johann. It’s hard to describe The Temple of No, actually. You get a small epilogue, you choose a character (a man, a woman, or a frog) and away you go. I found it uproariously funny, I mean that I found myself actually laughing out loud. It’s well written and constructed in a clever way. It’s simple, and the ending is kind of predictable and… well, cheap. But I had fun along the adventure, and that’s what matters! You can find The Temple of No on *here*.


The next game I want to look at is a little more meaning full. It’s called Coming Out Simulator 2014 by Nicky Case. In this game, you are Nicky circa 2010. You’re in a secret relationship with your boyfriend Jack. Jack wants you to tell your parents about your relationship so it isn’t a secret anymore. However… Nicky’s parents are more than a little homophobic. How will he tell them? What can he do? You can make the choices, and see how it goes. This game was a little emotional for me, but enjoyable. It’s a topic that I feel needs to be talked about more. Therefore, I am passing this game on to you. Find it on *here* or you can play on Newgrounds *here*.

The last in browser game I am going to share today is called It’s Just a Chromosome. This game is based on a piece written by Jerry Belich and it was recreated into a game by Sarah Sexton. The game in text-based and created in Twine. The game itself is simple enough. You’re a fetus, getting ready to be born. There is only one last bit of business to decide on: Shall you be a male or a female? This game makes a point of saying you should be male, because your life would be easier. Being a male would allow you to avoid some… unpleasantness involved with being female. I appreciated the message this game wants to impart, therefore I pass this game on to you. You can find this game on *here*.

Thanks for stopping in, and I hope you’ll be able to spare the time to check out these quick games and to leave some encouragement for the developers and creators who worked so hard on them.

Happy Gaming, Friends!

See other games I have reviewed or plan to review *here*
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