Thursday, September 7, 2017

Am I Dead? || Silent Neighbours (PC)

“For life and death are one, even as the river and the sea are one.” –Kahlil Gibran
This seems normal, and not in any way creepy...

Silent Neighbours is a short and spooky tale told by DeadBrain Gaming. You’re an old man who starts having some spooky happenings in his house. His TV seems to be turning itself back on, a strange note on his fridge, did he forget to turn that faucet off again? So, we want to get to the bottom of it all.
The game has a nice took to it, sort of like a Gameboy game. I like the graphics, the sounds are nice, and the game overall does a good job of setting the atmosphere. I started to wonder after a while, though, am I being haunted by ghosts or… am… *I* the ghost? There are good points that make it so it could be either, it’s up to your interpretation. And depending on how you interpret the ending, it may sway you towards one way, at least it did for me.

Something strange is afoot!

All of the controls worked well, I didn’t have any problems. You use WASD to move, and the mouse to interact with objects. Our old man walks so agonizingly slow, it adds to the tension, trying to get to the source of a noise, but having to traverse the house at half a pixel a second. As you slooooowly get closer, and the anticipation of solving the mystery grows. Slow walkers happen to kind of irritate me, so it was a little frustrating for me at times, but I appreciate the reason for it.
Overall, this game is a short little spookfest, and I liked it. I do wish the game was a little longer. It only takes about 10 minutes to complete, but I feel like it could have gone on longer. I never got to give the dog his treat! The game is free, however, so please download it and give it a try for yourself *here*.
As always, thanks for stopping by. I so appreciate it. Be sure to leave feedback and encouragement for the developer, and happy gaming!



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