Hello, Friends! Today we are going to take a look at some more games that you can give a quick play through right in your browser. That's right! No downloads for these games, just click the link and play. Have fun!
1. A Subtle Kind of Murder
Source: Screen Capture from Game
A Subtle Kind of Murder is a short game created by almostdailymike about
trying to conceal a murder. You play as a character who gets into an
altercation with a friend in a pub bathroom. Your “friend” is trying to
blackmail you for money, in order to keep your secret. In impulsive anger, you
kill him. He can no longer tell your secret, but now you are left with another
problem… what to do with the body and the evidence…?
It took me a few tries to get to an ending where I didn’t
end up arrested and taken to jail. You have to deal with the blood on the
floor, the knife, the wallet, and of course, the body. You must deal with all
of these things with a short time limit, and without alerting Sarah, the
bartender, to your deeds. The lack of music adds to the tense atmosphere of the
game, and the sound effects are alright—reminiscent of older game
systems. The game only takes about 10 minutes to complete, and you can play it
on Itch.io *here*.
2. Cattitude
Source: Screen Capture from Game
Cattitude is an interesting game created by sloppymess. You
play as a cat, and, in typical cat fashion, you want human attention... but not
too much. Your goal in Cattitude is to get the humans to follow you, but don’t
let them actually touch you. Once you have the humans following you, then you
head for the door and leave them behind. Alone, and cat-less.
This game isn’t bad by any means. I think the pixel graphic
are cute, and they give it a really nostalgic Gameboy game feel. The music is
decent, and the controls are straightforward. The rooms seem to be randomly
generated, which is kind of neat, but I didn’t get enough out of the game to
warrant replay. However, you can always try the game yourself by going to the
Itch.io page *here*.
3. Everwitch
Source: Screen Capture from Game
Everwitch is a dungeon crawler game created by Sparrowspell. You play
as a witch, traversing a dungeon with your crystal ball and, later on, your
wand. You use these two items to get the better of the monsters and solve puzzles. This game is unfinished (it lacks sound effects and music) and the
creator ran out of time to implement a save system, so your character also
cannot die in this short game.
really enjoyed what this game did have to offer. It had a very distinct Legend of Zelda:
A Link
to the Past vibe to it--particularly the puzzle
style--which makes this game even more
charming. The graphics are cute, and the game play is smooth and
enjoyable. The creator states that
they are working on a full-fledged
game so I look forward to seeing it release. I highly recommend
giving this
game a try for yourself. You can play this game in browser
right on its
Itch.io page *here*.
4. Campfire
Source: Screen Capture from Game
Campfire is a cute little match-4 game created by XenosNS.
You are a camp counselor, maybe, that’s what I am going with, telling a scary
story to a group of campers. Match 4 icons to raise the scary meter. But avoid
the sleeping camper icons, lest you bore the campers to sleep. The goal is to
match enough icons to fill the scare meter, and scare the pants off those
rotten kids!
The artwork is cute, and I do love matching games. It’s
simple enough to play, and the music is relaxing. So it’s a nice way to relax
between database work. If you like the casual, relaxing feel of a matching
game, then you can give this game a try on its Itch.io page *here*.
As always, be sure to leave the creators your words of encouragement, or helpful criticism, so that they may continue to improve their skills and content.
Happy Gaming, Friends!
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