“Mystery creates wonder and wonder is the basis of man’s desire
to understand.” --Neil Armstrong
Title Screen
to a Moon is a first person psychotropic horror game in the works
from Colorfiction. You play as a tabloid writer who is tasked with
investigating a historic fall festival in the rural town of Ashfield,
CT. Things start going awry pretty quickly, and I started to feel
like I was on a bad acid trip.
graphics and the aesthetic used are well suited for this genre of
game. The colors feel over saturated and even mystical at times, and
with an otherwise rather dark backdrop, the colors really stand out.
When the landscape starts to shift and alter around you, it can be
very disorienting. As I neared the end of the demo, I spent a good
while going in circles because the mixture of the shifting landscape
and the over saturated colors made it difficult for me to navigate.
Field trip!
is also a VHS quality on the screen as you play, which gave some part
of the game, particularly the wooded area, a Blair Witch Project
feel---which I did not like. I started having flash backs to when I
was a kid, watching the movie with my older brother and my younger
brother and pretending to not be afraid. Then of course my older brother took delight in jumping out of anywhere he could to scare me... but I digress.
music and the sound design are well done. I wasn’t sure what I was
hearing sometimes because I didn’t have my headphones on. Was that
a breath? A ringing in the ears? Are we descending into madness
ourselves? The sounds worked together with the aesthetic to create a
good sense of unease as you wandered about your way.
Are we slipping into another dimension?
end of the demo was a bit jarring, and I wasn’t sure what to make
of it. I don’t want to spoil anything so I won’t talk about it.
Obviously this is a demo so we aren’t going to solve the whole
mystery today. I am not much for horror games, but something about
this demo really drew me in. It wasn’t cheap jump scares, it was an
overall feeling of, “Something is going to happen but I don’t
know what.”
the aesthetic feels unique and interesting, the music and sound
design are well done and I want to solve the mystery. I look forward
to seeing where the development with this game goes in the future. I
definitely recommend you pick up the demo and give it a play for
yourself, this is a game that really has little justice done for it in a written review and you need to experience it for yourself. You can
grab the demo free from Itch.io here.
What do you think the mystery is behind the fall festival that went
wrong? It almost feels like a bad dream, so maybe it is? Let me know
what you think down in the comments, and I will see you all next
time. Until then, friends, happy gaming!
Is this the stairway to heaven....?
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