Looks Old-Timey
Haimrik is a unique action adventure game where you use
words to mold your weapons and yearn to return to your normal life. Haimrik was
created by Below the Game, and published by the 1C Company. The game was
released just a few days before my birthday(6/22), and it was on sale, so I decided
to get it as a little birthday gift to myself. So, let’s talk about the game.
That goes for everyone.
I’ve had Haimrik on my wishlist for a little while. I heard
about it and I was intrigued by the premise of the game. Using the words of a
story to your advantage, solving puzzles, and even battling, sounding immensely
fun. From what I have played, the game is fun. You can expect to die several
times, since there is a bit of trial and error trying to figure out the puzzles
or how to defeat the enemies. Some of the boss battles can be seriously
challenging. You fight a Word Warrior that controls a dragon and it took me
around 8-10 tries to beat it. Once you think you have the pattern down,
something changes. It’ not difficult to the point of rage quitting, it’s just a
matter of getting the whole pattern down and being able to maneuver the levels
to get where you need to go.
The art style is different, but I enjoy the sepia toned
environment, with just bursts of color from blood, fire, or similar things. The
animations look smooth, and the variety in characters is nice. The environments
are well drawn, and the music fits nicely with the various areas. I’m not a fan
of the sounds that come out of Haimrik’s mouth, but I just sort of ignore it.
I love how the story is told.
The controls are simple. The game is a side scroller, so you
only need A and D to move, then S to use particular words, F to use, and R to
throw. You also have SPACE to jump. The location of the keys feels natural, and
other than some hitboxes that felt too small, I didn’t have any issues with
controls or anything not working properly.
Overall, the game is entertaining, even if I sigh in
exasperation sometimes as I try to figure a particular puzzle out. I recommend
giving it a try for yourself. For 19.99 it's a little on the high end of what I normally pay for games, so maybe wait until it's on sale again. You can see the steam page *here*.
Would you want to be a word warrior?
Thank you, as always. Until next time!
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