Over the weekend, I went down to Columbus with some friends
to attend a day at Origins 2018. In case you don’t know what Origins is, it’s a
convention where gamers and creators gather for 5 days of game filled
shenanigans. Everything from tabletop games to role playing can be found at
Origins. This was my first-year attending, so I was particularly excited—even
if I just wanted to see all the Dungeons and Dragons things.
I went with some of my close friends: John, Ashtan, and
Bethany—our DnD. Our group is getting ready to start a Dungeons and Dragons
Tal’Dorei campaign, but more about that another time. There were a lot of
interesting things we saw. Ashtan and John even got to meet Chris Perkins.
Bethany and I went to the Dungeons and Dragons hall to get our hands on some
DnD tote bags (Plus, she and I didn’t really know who Chris Perkins was). I love DnD, but I’ve never really been immersed
in the popular culture of DnD until recent years.
There were also massive amounts of table top games, and so
many different companies were there to show their wares. If I had a million
dollars there would have been so many things I would have gotten for myself,
and for my friends. However, I didn’t. I got my daughter a Hatsune Miku blind
bag, because she’s very into Miku’s music right now, and I also got some dice,
and a comic book from a local artist.
We only had one day, so there was so much we didn’t get to
do. We didn’t get to demo as many games as we wanted, and we lost track of some
of the things we wanted to come back to. The vendor floor was so big and
flooded with so many people that is quickly became mildly overwhelming. I
should have been more prepared for that amount of people, but I wasn’t. It was
my own fault. Next year I’ll be more prepared.
I even saw some cosplayers! I didn’t get any pictures of
them as generally it was just in passing and I was often distracted by all of
the shiny and pretty things. I was thoroughly impressed with the skill and
variety of the vendors. I wish there had been more comic books, but I get that
it was a gaming convention. I would need to hit up Ohayocon or something for
more comic and manga related merch.
John and Bethany demo-ed Stroop
The one game my friends did end up buying was Stroop. I
watched John and Bethany demo it, and it looked interesting. I was too
exhausted to demo it myself, but I look forward to taking part at the next game
night we hold. Stroop is a game based on the Stroop Effect. Stroop effect is a
demonstration of interference in the reaction time of a task. When the name of
a color (e.g., "blue", "green", or "red") is
printed in a color which is not denoted by the name (i.e., the word "red"
printed in blue ink instead of red ink), naming the color of the word takes
longer and is more prone to errors than when the color of the ink matches the
name of the color.
Overall, my first visit to Origins was a huge success! My
legs were tired, and my nerves were shot, but it was worth it in the end.
Memories were made, and fun times were had. Hopefully next year we’ll be able
to get a hotel room and stay for an extra day to really get the full experience
or demoing games and meeting other people.
Below I’ll post any other pictures I have:
I love my Octopus bois.
Thank you for reading, as always. Until next time!
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